Pinterest Marketing

Pinterest for Marketing? Things To Consider


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Should you consider Pinterest for Marketing?  Pinterest is for businesses that are driven by images.  Pinterest allows businesses to create pin boards of their own for display of their products.  However, since Pinterest is a social media site that relies on the sharing of photos, businesses can’t just post pictures and hope for traffic.  The most successful businesses are creating compelling photo campaigns to attract followers to their pin boards.

A business that is driven by images, is Pinterest.

Clothing Industry

At the moment, the clothing industry has really adapted the site to its use and makes up the biggest percentage of businesses on Pinterest.  Since Pinterest encourages its users to create boards around a certain theme, clothing companies are using it to display collections. For example, a jean company can do the Denizens of Denim themed board that would feature a number of photos of their denim collection.  Additionally, this board can have a link to a business’ website.  This lets Pinterest users, like me, easily go to the website to purchase something if I see something I like.


Pinterest can be an outlet for tourism marketing.  Because of this, travel photos are extremely common on Pinterest.  A savvy tourism business can help build on those collections.  Additionally, you or I can build collections of our own in order to generate interest to our destination.  Pin boards can be linked to travel websites, too. As a result, clients like you and me can go to these websites and plan trips to locations we’ve fallen in love with.  All this due to a successful photo campaign.

Using Images On Pinterest For Marketing

Any business that can reach out to your clients via images can use make use of Pinterest as a marketing tool.  Your business may want to consider hiring a photographer.  Give them the assignment to find images that show your product or service.  A compelling image campaign could generate interest in a company.  Consequently, even if it wasn’t directly geared towards getting a consumer to buy a specific product, this could still lead them to your website.  Thereby leading to future sales.  How about a photographic contest?  You can ask users to submit and pin their own product or services; with the best pictures chosen for the company’s board.  This will create a compelling photo campaign and generate a buzz about the company.

Pinterest can be a free display space for visual artists. Visual artists like photographers and painters can design and display their own collections.  Thus, hopefully generating interest and sales of their art.

Using Pinterest For Marketing

The key to social media marketing is to share. Social media is just what its name suggests, a way for people to share media they appreciate.  Subsequently, you must therefore generate media that is worth sharing.

In conclusion, remember that Social Media is an important strategy, when marketing your business and/or website.