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Press releases are inarguably one of the most effective ways of getting your message out to the masses. It is one of the marketing forms that has truly survived the test of time. This has been achieved by adapting to change and technological advances. It’s a true art form that takes time to perfect and use effectively. Luckily for you, there are some rules and tips you can follow that will increase your chances of hitting it out of the park. Most importantly, this article will show you how to create a press release.
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3 Tips on How to Create a Press Release
1. Get mentally prepared
To churn out a beautiful piece, you have to be at an optimum level mentally. Most importantly, you have to get yourself mentally jacked up and in the zone to write. Go for a run, eat, jump up and down and get comfortable. Go to a quiet location that will be free of distractions for the next hour. Sit down, stand up or exercise. Do something to get your adrenaline going. Remember, you are at your best mentally when in this state. After you’ve gotten pumped up, get ready to start your press release. Get a pen, paper or your laptop and get to work. These things may seem silly, but they are effective.
2. Simplicity Is Key
Keep it short, sweet and to the point. If your press release is too long, it won’t get published. People don’t want to waste their time with all the extras. They need the quality information you offer and they need it quickly. Therefore, it is imperative that you abide by this rule 100% of the time. Consequently, I usually have “Short and Sweet” written on the word document as I am typing a press release. This step reminds me of this cardinal rule.
If at the end of your writing there is any flowery language or filler, get rid of it. You are not writing a Ph.D. paper, so keep the language simple for the general public. If a 3rd grader won’t understand your content, simplify it to this level. No one wants to have to use a thesaurus or dictionary. Studies have shown this is the preferred reading level for the consumption of information. However, remember this, keep your press release to 400 words or less. In other words, your press release should be this long, and preferably not more. Otherwise you risk losing your audience’s attention.
3. Edit Your Work
You don’t want to be embarrassed, and you want to look professional. The simple idea is to carefully comb through your press release for any errors. Above all, grammatical blunders are unacceptable. After you’ve combed through it at least 5 times, get another pair of eyes to look through it. Your dog, a friend or family member can come in handy. They offer a set of eyes to correct mistakes you may have missed. Moreover, they can also offer an opinion on how to improve the press release to be more compelling to people. Constructive criticism from others is good. Above all, this criticism is usually always correct, honest, and to the point. Similarly, friends and family tend not to judge your work harshly
Finally, don’t forget to effectively distribute your press release. It would be unfortunate if you work hard and your press release isn’t put in front of your audience. Go to Fiverr and search for press release distribution services. You will undoubtedly find a perfect one for you. Most importantly, make sure you look over any potential services carefully.
Good luck,! I hope you have great success using the raw power of a press release to reach a massive audience of your targeted prospects.
In conclusion, I hope this article has shown you how to create a press release effectively.