how to become a blogger

How To Become A Blogger That Makes Big Bucks!


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How to become a blogger? A question asked by many ambitious entrepreneurs who want to build an online business. In this post, I will answer this question. I will also show you the steps that you need to take to start making money from a blog. It’s not as easy as some may think, but if you put in the time and effort required, then your efforts can pay off.

As with any business or career path, there are many different ways of approaching this. What I’ll do is talk about some resources that you should have on hand before starting a new blog. Then I’ll go over some of the strategies for creating content so that people will want to read your posts. Obviously, this is essential if you’re trying to make money from blogging!

Needless to say, I have a passion for blogging and building online businesses. I have an even greater passion for making money and helping others to do the same. When I married those two passions together, I created the perfect career for myself that pays me generously. This lifestyle has given me financial freedom from an corporate job (I love that!). It has also given me the opportunity to help other people escape the corporate rat race.

Now let’s talk about You…and how you can become a blogger too. We will begin with the basics and then provide more details as we go along.

Fundamentals On How To Become A Blogger

First, I want to begin by saying I wrote this article specifically for people who want to make serious money as a blogger. If your goal is to just write a blog to share with friends and relatives about what is going on in your life then this post is not for you. My goal with this post and this entire blog is to show ambitious people how to become a blogger and make a living doing it.

Okay, hopefully, if you are still reading this then you are a highly-motivated person who wants to know how to become a blogger and wants to make lots of money doing it. If so, here are the things you must do to be successful:

  1. Research and choose your blog’s niche.
  2. Decide on your blog name and register a domain name.
  3. Get web hosting for your website.
  4. Install WordPress and choose the Theme for your blog.
  5. Install important WordPress plugins that you will need.
  6. Create lots of compelling content about your niche.
  7. Promote your blog by building high-quality backlinks.
  8. Continue to add high-quality content that your target audience wants.

There’s no way to avoid it: if you’re going through the process of becoming a blogger then there will need to be some investment into making that happen first before anything else can really get going. Fortunately, most things required aren’t too expensive or complicated – just time consuming.

Research Your Niche Or Topic

Do your research for a successful blog

Research your niche or topic and find out what people are looking for in a blog post. What questions do they have? How does this affect their day-to-day lives? This will help you figure out the direction that your blog and posts should go. When you are answering the questions that people are seeking answers to then you become an important resource to them.

You will want to keep it simple, but provide valuable content. It’s really important with blogging to provide value – otherwise, what’s the point? There are several ways for you to create good quality content that people want to read.

Use your knowledge and expertise to give your readers the information they want. You know a lot more than you think about the topics that interest you, so use this to your advantage. People will come back for an expert opinion or someone who is knowledgeable in their field. You have to show your readers that you are an authority in the area of your blog or they will go elsewhere. In reality, you really only have one shot at earning their respect so generate high quality content every time you post.

I use services like and to help you create content at an affordable price. Freelance writers are always looking for new business, so it’s easy to find a professional writer, editor or designer. You will need content for your blog. You will also need it for guest posting on other websites to drive traffic back to your website.

Decide On Your Blog Name & Register The Domain

Once you have decided on your niche, you need to get a domain name from company like,

To first become a blogger, you need to get a domain name.

When choosing a domain name, here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Your name should be short and easy to remember.
  • Keep the name easy to type, spell and pronounce.
  • If possible, avoid words that have two different spellings and meanings, like “Peace” and “Piece”
  • Try not to use hyphens and numbers; they tend to confuse people.
  • Avoid choosing a domain name that it too narrow-focused; you may want to adjust or change your focus somewhat down the road. For instance, if you choose and later you find that you want to expand into mountain bikes or other adult bikes then it is going to be hard too make that adjustment without starting another totally separate blog.

Get Web Hosting For Your Website

When you first get started with your blog, all you need is a simple shared hosting plan from Bluehost. They are a leader in website hosting with a great track record. With Bluehost, it is only a few dollars a month and you get a free domain name for the first year. It is a great deal and they are an excellent company with millions of satisfied customers.

Blue host makes it easy to get started blogging

It is easy to get started:

  • Go to and click Get Started
  • Choose their Basic plan
  • Type in domain name you have chosen for your blog
  • Create your account then you will be almost be ready to build your blog

Install WordPress And Choose The Theme For Your Blog

There are a lot of website builders you can use to build your blog on, but a self hosted WordPress is the best blog platform for bloggers just starting out. There are many reason why WordPress is the best, but I won’t go into them all now.

WordPress- the best blog platform for beginners

I have tried many other platforms in the past and found that they were not as good as WordPress in helping with SEO and adapting to the ever-changing Google algorithm.

Another great thing is with Bluehost, it automatically one-click installs WordPress right from your dashboard. Easy installation without any hassle.

Next, you have to pick your Theme for your blog. This is going to give your blog the Look & Feel you want. There are many attractive WordPress themes to choose from for your blog. Some are free and others cost between $50-100, but give you more look & feel options.

I use Acabado as the Theme for my blog because as they say, “It is Stupid Fast!” and it really is extremely fast. Acabado is designed to achieve a 100 on Google’s Page Speed Insights testing tool–without resorting to AMP.  Even if you have lots of images on your blog.  It is stupid fast on mobile too.

To put things into perspective for you, most blogs struggle to get to a speed of 50 so that means Acabado is twice as fast as most other popular Themes. Speed is a critical factor in winning the SEO battle for keywords. so choose your Theme wisely.

Install Important WordPress Plugins

Now that you have your blog set up on WordPress it is time to put some more tools in your tool box so you can build a financially-successful blog. In case you didn’t know, plugins are sets of tools that integrate with your WordPress blog. These tools help extend your website’s features.

As you begin your blog, it’s critical that you pick the best ones for SEO, site speed and optimization. There are a lot of plugins to choose from so I have listed a few that I highly recommend:

1. Yoast SEO

I use Yoast SEO Premium plugin to make sure my blog is up-to-speed for SEO. By optimizing each post and image on my site, I know I have a better chance to win in the organic search game. It also manages my sitemap, page title, robots.txt, and meta descriptions.

2. Jetpack

The Jetpack plugin provides security, performance, and marketing tools made by WordPress experts. Jetpack keeps your blog protected so you can focus on more important things, like running your business.

3. ShortPixel Image Optimizer

ShortPixel Image Optimizer automatically optimizes images on your blog, while guarding the quality of those images. Use this important plugin to start optimizing your image library and make your website load faster.

4. Updraft Plus

Today there are many things that can ruin your WordPress site, including hacking, server crashes, questionable updates or simple user error. UpdraftPlus will keep your WordPress site safe. With UpdraftPlus, you can backup and restore your site, if needed. You can backup locally or to Amazon S3, Dropbox, Google Drive, Rackspace, (S)FTP, WebDAV & email, on automatic schedules.

There is a lot to blogging. Are you sure still want to know how to become a blogger?

OK. If you are still with me and you haven’t wimped out on me, then let’s press on.

Create Lots Of Compelling Content About Your Niche

There are many ways to make money from a blog, but the most important thing is that you’re providing something of value. Many bloggers that have told me they are struggling to get things going also tell me they spend a lot of time doing other things. Let me say this loud and clear, if you want to make money blogging then you have to create content. Period.

Put your phone down and get off social media. This is taking away your time from creating valuable content for your blog. Far too many people waste hours and hours every week on useless activities. If you use your time wisely and creatively, within a few months you could have a blog that is beginning to generate income. With that small start, you could continue to build an online business that could replace your full-time job and give you financial freedom in your life.

Give people valuable content about your particular niche or area of expertise, then they will reward you with more visits back to your blog to read more. More visits mean more revenue-making opportunities through ads on your site or through affiliate marketing.

Get comfortable talking about yourself and what you’re passionate about through writing posts on your blog. This will help people get to know YOU better which means they’ll want to come back time after time!

Speak to your audience on a personal level. This is one of the most important tips when becoming an effective blogger: you need to talk about what’s relevant and interesting for them.

Part of the process in learning how to become a blogger is knowing how to generate traffic to your blog. The best way to get traffic is through search engine optimization (SEO). It is really easy if you know what keywords people use in their searches. Nothing drives more traffic than organic search rankings so keep this in mind when writing posts and planning out your future editorial calendar.

Bring traffic to your blog through SEO

Find out what people are searching for on Google – take note of the keywords they’re using when looking up information related to your niche. These keywords could be used as part of a title or within content itself.

Another way to get traffic to your blog is by building backlinks. Backlinks are solid gold when it comes to getting plenty of traffic. The more backlinks your website has to it, the higher Google and the other search engines rank your site. When they see you as an authoritative site, then they will open the flood gates of traffic to you.

Ways To Promote Your Blog

  • Guest Blogging – Personally, I think one of the best ways to promote your blog and get backlinks is through guest blogging. Basically, guest blogging entails writing a high-quality post for other bloggers in your niche. These bloggers will put your post on their blog in exchange for a link back to your site. They get more great content and you get that cherished backlink to your blog which drives new traffic.
  • Connect With Other Bloggers – In the internet world we live, sometimes we forget the human element. Reach out by email or DM to other bloggers in your niche to introduce yourself. let them know what you are doing with your blog and see if you can help each other. If they allow you to guest post on their larger, more-seasoned blog then you need to write the best content possible to gain their trust and their followers trust. Great content in your guest post will lead to more opportunities down the road.
  • Join Facebook Groups And Niche-Related Forums – Don’t join so you can spam the group about your blog. No! Instead join the group to add value to the conversation by answering questions for the members. Give them your opinion about different topics. After a while they, will want to know more about you and your blog. Strong relationships lead to personal and financial reward…and a few high-quality backlinks.
  • Blog Submission Directories – Signing up your blog to a blog directory is a another way to promote your blog. The following directories are ones I use to promote my blog:
  • 1abc.or

Track Your Traffic

There are lots of other approaches to generating traffic to your blog, including social media ads on Facebook or Google Ads campaign. These are ways that some bloggers get their first few hundred daily visitors, but if you want to make money blogging then it’s a good idea to build an email list.

No matter where your traffic comes from you need to keep track of if through analytics tools like Google Analytics and YOAST SEO plugin. These can tell you where potential readers might have dropped off from reading your blog post and help you make necessary changes going forward. They’ll also show how much time people spend on each page which is really useful information.

Monetize Your Blog

Online marketing is essential to a successful blog

There’s no point in blogging if it doesn’t make any money, so be sure that there’s an opportunity for profit before jumping in. You can make money from blogging through several key sources, including ad revenue, affiliate marketing and sponsored-posts.

  1. Ad Revenue – Sell ad space on your site via Google Adsense, or other major advertising networks.
  2. Affiliate marketing – is one great source for generating revenue for your blog. Affiliate marketing can be your biggest revenue stream if you find the right products to promote. Tell readers about affiliate products that you believe in. Your credibility and promotion of the right affiliate products can make you a lot of money.
  3. Sponsored-posts – Publishing sponsored posts for brands with a big following. For big brands, your endorsement to your readers can help them sell many products and services.
  4. Selling your own products or courses – You could sell your readers a book, software, service, training course, merchandise and many other things. Knowing what they will buy from you may take a little research and feedback from your followers, but the rewards could be great.

Great Opportunity To Make Life-Changing Money

How to become a blogger that makes life-changing money

There is no 100% guarantee when it comes to making money from running a successful business; however, being a blogger does allow you many more opportunities than say, opening up a bagel shop or aquarium store. That being said, while it’s possible to make a full-time income from blogging alone, it can be difficult and there are plenty of things that could go wrong along the way without careful consideration beforehand.

One important thing to consider is what type of content you want your blog post(s) to have in order for them to be successful at making money on their own – this will vary depending on whether you’re running an affiliate blog (making commissions off product links), sponsored posts where brands compensate bloggers with free products/services instead of paying upfront payments, or if you want direct payment by readers who like your writing enough to pay for something directly through PayPal, Patreon etc. The last option is more akin to running a Patreon as opposed to a blog and may not be the best idea for beginners.

Continue To Add High-quality Content That Your Target Audience Wants

I cannot emphasize this point enough. I see so many bloggers start off with the right intentions, but quickly stop posting high-quality content on their blog. They forget the fundamentals of how to become a blogger. They think they are going to make a six-figure income from 20-30 posts or articles. That is not likely to happen!

Great blogs keep adding high quality content

What I recommend is that you plan out an editorial calendar using a spreadsheet or online calendar like Google Calendar. This will help you with consistently producing great content for your blog and for your guest posts on other sites.

Blogging does take a significant time investment (and some money). It’s not something where you simply set it up and then wait for all of the success. If you’re looking at this as a serious business or career path, be prepared to spend lots of time on it. Here is the great news, if do it right, there are many opportunities for making plenty of money from blogging too.

Some challenges that come from blogging full-time include: finding quality content ideas, staying motivated in order to produce new posts every day, figuring out what your followers want and making time in your busy day to write that content.

Make a schedule for writing your posts. Blogging is full of ups and downs, so don’t just post whenever you feel like it – be sure to set aside time every day or week where you write at least one blog post (and ideally more than that).

Keep Your Content Fresh And Relevant

Find ways to generate content ideas so that the well doesn’t run dry! You’ll need new content coming out on a regular basis in order to keep people interested and reading through all of your work. Look at what other bloggers are doing and try some similar strategies, but with your own twist added into them too.

Use social media as a resource. If there’s something going on in society right now that relates back to your niche, then talk about it openly on your blog. Share it on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media. Anywhere that you can so that more people will read your posts!

Put together some social media graphics for your post to share. There are plenty of free sites online where you can find design templates and then just edit them with the content from what you’ve written in order to create an eye catching graphic or picture with a call out line about the post.

And finally, as I said previously, don’t give up! Blogging is not always easy, but if you’re willing to put in the time investment necessary then there’s lots of potential for generating a full time income off blogging too through advertising revenue, sponsored posts and even selling products at various marketplaces.