Advertising on YouTube

Advertising on YouTube – Is It For You?


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Advertising on YouTube – is it for you? Want to skip the whole process of building subscribers and get right to the part where you get views and cash? You can do that with advertising on YouTube.

Basically, YouTube advertising simply allows a person to put video ads at the start and at breakpoints on other people’s videos. This way, one can ensure that the content is seen by lots of people in a place where it will be successful.

A video still needs to be good of course, so a lot of what we’ve discussed still applies here. With that said, there are a few things to consider when using your videos in this context.

What Are YouTube Ads For?

We’ve already talked about how highly successful video marketing can be. Also, why it’s so compelling and engaging. This is really what makes YouTube videos so powerful.

At the same time though, it’s important to remember that YouTube ads are also interruptive in nature. This is unlike advertising on Google, for instance, when users are actively looking for content. Statistics suggest that the click-through rates on YouTube videos are around 0.01% which isn’t high. It also suggests that 80% of users have never bought a product because of a YouTube ad.

So YouTube ads are not the best place to try and get direct sales. For direct sales, you may want to consider Facebook video ads instead. What YouTube ads are great for though, is increasing brand awareness and interest.  Also, they are great for promoting your own YouTube channel. Keep this in mind when planning a campaign.

How YouTube Advertising Works

Create an effective YouTube advertising campaign

YouTube advertising works in the same way as Google Ads or Facebook Ads. This means that it is PPC (Pay Per Click) and you only get charged when someone clicks or when they watch through to the end. YouTube advertising also allows you to target viewers by demographic – for instance, you can only show adverts to people of a certain age in a certain location with a specific interest.

Learn how to create an effective YouTube ad campaign yourself. If you you want a done-for-you YouTube ad campaign, get our team of YouTube marketing experts to help you by clicking here.

Your ads will be shown on mobile and you get lots of useful data on the back end. This lets you see the performance of your ads. In 2013, advertisers spent about $5 billion on YouTube ads, which suggests it can be highly effective when used correctly.

Essentially, this form of advertising is the closest there is to TV advertising and one should view it as such. Bear this in mind and this can be a very profitable experiment.